

產地 : 新北市坪林區 
口感 : 花香 清淡優雅 輕發酵 15 ~ 20%

Baozhong species were imported from Fujian, China to Taiwan during 19 century. Baozhong can be likened to green tea but it classified as oolong tea. Which a lightly oxidized oolong can able to create a floral aroma that isn't found in green tea.

Wenshan Baozhong teas growing areas are Pinglin District in Taipei City. The elevation of tea gardens is above 400 meters of mountains.

The appearance of Baozhong tea is twisted rather than rolled and have in deep green color. It’s a smooth, sweet, and enticingly floral aroma. Baozhong tea has antioxidative activity, antimutagenic activity and tea catechins.


  • Fresh Multi-Floral aroma
  • Floral、Grass Taste
  • Fermentation 15-20% & Light Roasted
  • Pinglin District in New Taipei City


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