

產地 : 新北市三峽區 
口感 : 鮮爽 甜柔 不發酵炒青綠茶


Long Jing tea is a green tea. Green teas are non-fermented teas, which no withering on processing. There is press processing only for the tea to make it flat and long in shape. 

Long Jing tea is only produces in the Sanxia District, New Taipei City. There’s no any pollution. The tea garden is organic management. Leaf shape is hand picked one bud with 2 tender leaves and made from Chinxing Kantzu tea cultivar

Long Jing tea harvests twice a year during the spring and fall raining seasons. The taste is very special: fresh aroma, smooth taste with sweet aftertaste. Some tea lovers call it  “ golden bud “.


  • Sweet、Grass Teaste
  • Fresh Nori、Vegetables aroma
  • No Fermentation & Dried
  • Sanxia District, New Taipei City


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