

產地 : 台灣苗栗縣
口感 : 潤肺清喉嚨 酸甜感


Tsuan-Kan Tea (Sour Citrus Tea) is a unique beverage for Hakka culture.. It combines Hutou Gan Citrus with organic black tea and Chinese herbs which was produced by special manufacture procedures including steaming, baking, compressing and tying. Tsuan-kan teas are rich in citrus aroma and with astringent and slightly bitter tastes. The tea is considered to reduce coughing with its aging time.

6 year old Tsuan-Kan tea will more smoothly sour and sweet. The pressed tea is a bit of hard, we smash it into tea bags make the flavor can fully release.


  • Sour, Sweet aftertastes
  • original tea flavor plus citrus aroma
  • Compressing, Sour orange stuffed inside organic black tea and Chinese herbs
  • Miaoli, Taiwan. 


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